In-Person Classes

In-Person Minnesota Permit to Carry Classes

We offer convenient in-person classes in St. Paul. The 2-hour class includes a course presentation and live fire qualification at a single location. Everything is included – pay one price and just show up for your scheduled class!

In-Person Minnesota Permit to Carry Class

2 Hours Total
Everything is Included
Perfect for Beginners or Seasoned Permit Holders

$99.95 + tax

1 hour course presentation
Live fire qualification
Range fee included
Firearm and ammunition included
Eye and ear protection included
Target included
Certificate of completion

In-Person Class Details

Description: The in-person Minnesota Permit to Carry class is for students who enjoy a more traditional learning environment. Your instructor will present a comprehensive 1-hour course presentation that will give you the knowledge you need to own and carry a firearm responsibly.

Duration: 2 hours

Experience Level: Beginner to seasoned permit holder

The comprehensive course covers everything you need to know. Here’s what you will learn in class:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction and Course Expectations
  • Lesson 2: Firearm Laws and MN Permit Policy
  • Lesson 3: Firearm Safety, Care, and Function
  • Lesson 4: Fundamentals of Pistol Use
  • Lesson 5: Justified Deadly Force Encounters
  • Lesson 6: Range Safety Brief and Qualification
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